Summer Day #1

    Last week I finished my fifth year of teaching second grade. WOW! Where does the time go?

    Those of you who know me well know that I probably started my “Summer To Do List” a couple of months ago. By last week, I knew exactly what I would do today on my first day of summer.

    I woke up and began picking up the house including putting in a load of laundry. After eating a quick breakfast, I headed outside to finish weeding our landscaping rocks. I watered all of my plants and decided to break for lunch. After lunch, I headed back outside to begin work on my perennial garden. I am ripping out all of the ground cover and have an extensive plan for new plants and a better design.

    I am taking a quick break before planning our meals for the week and heading to the grocery store. It is amazing how much one person can accomplish when you don’t have to go to work!

    Don’t worry…every day of my summer will not be this productive, but for today, I am excited to get a few things checked off my list.