
    There are two main reasons I have not been posting recently:

    1. Facebook has not been pulling my blog posts onto my wall. It is supposed to automatically pull my RSS feed after a new post, but it isn’t. After searching around, I found that this feature is no longer available. Sigh. I now need to manually import each post.

    2. Jesse and I have been working on how we manage photos. We have one camera and two laptops. Jesse thought he could import the photos on his computer and share them over to mine. So far, it has not been working that easily…but we are getting closer.

    Here are some of the things I have not been sharing this fall.

    My mom and I went to a wedding together and had a great weekend hanging out.
    We got to hang out with our college friends including babies Tyler and Ellie!
    One of our small group couples had a baby, and we finally got to meet Cassie Faith.
    Jesse and I finally got to visit Taylors Falls, MN to enjoy the fall color...
    ...and enjoy ice cream together!
    We visited our first apple orchard of the season with our college friends Ryan and Erin and their daughter Shara.
    We visited Sever's Corn Maze for the first time with Ross and Megan.
    And visited our second apple orchard with Cody and Aubrie!


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