I tend to not be the most creative person. I always like things to look cool, but I never quite have the right vision or materials to complete crafty projects.
I have recently been inspired by a few of my co-workers to try some outdoor holiday projects. It began when I attended a workshop on making a kissing ball.
You begin with a foam ball and attach ribbon. You soak the ball in water and begin filling it with evergreen pieces that are all the same size. One of my co-workers donated all of the evergreen from her outdoor trees.
Next you fill in the gaps with two different kinds of greens. I purchased these in bundles at a local Home Depot.
The next step is fun add-ins. I added mini red ornaments, silver sparkly pinecones, and thin silver wire.
When it is all done, you hang it as a decoration. I opted to hang mine outside because it should last longer.
I’ve always seen kissing balls and admired them at the store before but thought they were too expensive. After the cost of materials, the time spent on the project, and the mess, I now know why they are so pricey.
After finishing the kissing ball, I decided to add spruce tips to my outdoor pots. I am very pleased with this year’s outdoor Christmas decorations!