Trip Update…

    Right after school is out, Jesse and I are headed to Austin, Texas with Larry and Cyndee to attend Jesse’s cousin’s wedding. Thinking about a trip to Texas reminds me that I still have two trips I haven’t blogged.

    Last fall my mom and I took our first girls’ trip. I think it will be the first of many because we had a BLAST. I had a long weekend off from school, so we headed to Savannah, Georgia for some warmth before winter really began.

    The following were some of my favorite things about Savannah:

    The best BBQ and sweet tea from a restaurant in a strip mall!

    We waited in line for two hours for this fabulous meal from The Wilkes House. I am still craving the delicious fried chicken!

    We even went to a cooking demonstration. We pulled up to this “cooking school” and wondered what we signed up for, but the shrimp and corn chowder was our favorite course!

    On this trip my mom and I discovered a big difference in our traveling styles. I am all about the fine dining, and she is all about the sight-seeing. We did a little bit of both.

    We started our trip with a trolley ride overview of the city.

    The trees with Spanish moss were amazing!

    My mom enjoyed touring a historic home.

    We also visited the First African Baptist Church where slaves were hidden along the Underground Railroad.

    Not to mention walking, walking, walking through cemeteries and squares.

    So, where to next, mom?