Jesse likens me getting ready in the morning to a tornado. I wake up at the last possible minute and get ready as fast as I can. Tonight I feel like a tornado went through my house and turned it upside down.
My spring break began on Friday. Jesse and I decided to spend the first half of spring break painting our guest room and the second half in Durham, North Carolina visiting our friends Ross and Megan. Little did we know that painting our guest room would involve buying new bedroom furniture and replacing almost all of the light fixtures in our house.
Our plan has always been to buy new bedroom furniture for our bedroom and put my childhood furniture in our guest room. My recent business (teaching kindergarten library, tutoring my homebound student, and teaching an after school class) has allowed me to save some extra pennies. On Friday we decided to buy the new furniture now, so we could paint and update the guest room. On Saturday we looked at furniture stores, Sunday we bought furniture, and today (Tuesday) it was delivered. Below is the transformation to our bedroom over the years.

After purchasing new furniture, we began priming and painting the guest room. Today we finished the last coat of paint, replaced the light fixture, and put in the “new” furniture. We are ready for guests!

Now we are headed on our next adventure…North Carolina! Good-bye snow!