Growing Things…

    When we moved into our house, I bought this hanging basket.

    Growing up, my mom always planted her flower bed Memorial Day weekend, but she never enjoyed gardening. I have slowly taken on gardening as a fun hobby.

    Behind our house we have a perennial garden that I inherited from the previous owner of our home. I have since ripped out ALL of the spreading plants and tried to replace them with things that I enjoy. My greatest accomplishment is that I now know what is a perennial and what is a weed.

    On the side of our house, I have four raised beds. I have grown tomatoes, carrots, green peppers, green beans, yellow squash, carrots, strawberries, basil, and cilantro. This year I am filling them with strawberries, green peppers (grown from seed), potatoes, and green beans (my first attempt at pole beans).

    Closer to the front I started a black raspberry patch. You can find out why by reading this post.

    In the front I have two planters and a hanging basket which I like to fill with annuals. This summer I am also attempting sunflowers.

    In addition to all of my plants, I have started using a rain barrel for watering and composting for soil.

    The funny thing is each year I start from scratch as I never really remember what I did the year before. This year I am starting a garden journal. I am jotting down quick notes about what I planted and when. Hopefully, this will help me make better decisions from year to year.