2018 – 2019 Family Video

A stranger watching this video wouldn’t know that it’s been one of the toughest years for our family. After Penny fell into a fire while camping last summer it shook us to our core. After many doctors visits and uncertainty her arm and back are almost entirely healed now. Praise God! The emotional aspect of the accident has had its toll on each of us in different ways. It’s hard not to let that event overshadow the last year and dwell on the difficult parts.

And yet I couldn’t wipe the smile off of my face as I was editing this video. My kids are so fun and goofy. Penny’s spirit is indomitable. Their faces light up the world around them. I am so thankful for Andrea, Nora and Penny. We’ve been “reclaiming” things this year like going camping again, and this is my small attempt to reclaim last year’s memories for the better.

It was a year of sisters learning to play together (a.k.a. fighting over toys), preschool programs, swimming lessons, learning to ride bikes, eating snow, good friends, cousins, and lots and lots of dancing.

Mother’s Day 2017

Well, I had this video half finished for a year now. Should have gotten to finishing it up around Mothers Day of 2017, but instead its 2018. Oh well!

Penny 1 Year

Well, I was on a six month schedule with making family videos, but it’s been a bit of a crazy year, so I decided I had to get a video done for Penny’s first Birthday! We love our little Penny, it’s been so fun to watch her grow up this year, I can’t believe she is so big already and she is the perfect addition to our family.