Penny 1 Year

Well, I was on a six month schedule with making family videos, but it’s been a bit of a crazy year, so I decided I had to get a video done for Penny’s first Birthday! We love our little Penny, it’s been so fun to watch her grow up this year, I can’t believe she is so big already and she is the perfect addition to our family.

    Eleven Months

    This month Penny has started interacting a lot more with people and toys. She likes to wave, give her baby a hug and say hi. After army crawling for a few months, she started crawling up on her knees…and she is fast! She is walking around the furniture but not taking any steps yet. All of the sudden Nora wants to “hold” Penny even though Penny is constantly on the move so Nora’s favorite nicknames for Penny are Little Wiggler and Penninator.

    To read about Nora at eleven months, click here.

      Ten Months

      Penny now loves to stand ALL THE TIME. She is not cruising around the furniture yet but she is pulling up on everything. She enjoyed her first Christmas…especially having all of her cousins around to give her attention. She also got her first haircut this month so she is looking especially cute. Penny’s standing has been a big transition for Nora as she can now reach everything but we are beginning to find more and more things that we can all play together.

      To read about Nora at ten months, click here.

        Nine Months

        At nine months Penny loves crawling around the house…especially toward the bathroom. She helped us cut down a Christmas tree (a bit smaller than usual in case she pulls it down on top of herself) and is trying to pull up to stand. Around Thanksgiving we had a couple of weeks of sleeping through the night and then went back to at least one wake up. Penny loves to eat Cheerios and play with Nora’s dolls. She even hugs the babies and talks to them.

        Read about Nora at nine months here.

          Eight Months


          This was a month of very little sleep for our family. We had our first experience of the girls sharing germs when Nora had croup and then Penny got croup as well. Sleep was going so poorly that we decided to move Penny into her own room downstairs. Not only were we sick but Penny also got her first two teeth. She is easily army crawling quickly around the room and says, “Sss” for sister. Nora has decided that now she is a baby as well as she adjusts to Penny being able to follow her around and play with all of her toys.

          To read more about Nora at eight months, click here.

            Seven Months


            I think Penny’s pictures just keep getting cuter! This has been the month of food, and Penny loves to eat. She will eat from a spoon, from a pouch, or by feeding herself. Fruits are her favorite but she will try just about anything. She is taking two naps a day and up in the night one time. Mealtimes are more interesting as she is trying to grab everything. To help, we are putting her in her own highchair. She can sit up so well she can even ride in the seat of a shopping cart. Nora loves the addition of Puffs to our diet, and we can almost eat an entire can in one sitting.

            To read about Nora at seven months, click here.

              Six Months


              At six months Penny is on a more predictable schedule with three naps and eating before and after each rest time. She is usually up once in the night but is doing some longer stretches (7 PM – 2 AM). Penny hit a lot of physical milestones this month as she learned to roll from her tummy to her back and can sit up independently. She can get where she wants to go by rolling across the room and loves to play laying down and sitting up. As you can tell from her picture, she looks much more grown up. Nora is not sure how she feels about having to share so many of our “family” toys, but she is often heard saying, “You’re so adorable, Penny!”

              To read about Nora at six months, click here.

                3 Months


                At three months Penny eats every two hours during the day and one time during the night. She has started giggling and can now bat at the toys on her play mat. Her hair is growing in and she loves to rub it. We are not swaddling her anymore because she is a thumb sucker and able to soothe herself easily. Nora is the most interested in Penny when other people are paying attention to her. We are working on bottle feeding because sometimes Penny will take a bottle and sometimes she will not!

                To read about Nora at three months, click here.