Stop Trying to Be Relevant and Be Relevant

    I have lately noticed a trend in church services, Christian magazines, Christian music, Christian culture, etc… Christians trying to be relevant. To be sure, this is a big step for the evangelical church of our parents generation that wouldn’t dance, watch movies, or step foot in a bar; sometimes they were alienated from the non-christians around them. But I worry that in our modern quest to be relevant we compromise and dilute our faith with secular culture. We try so hard to make Christianity look “cool.”

    I think one of my biggest annoyances is that we assume that in order to be relevant to the generation around us we need to simplify our message. We need to “dumb it down.” So we replace pew Bibles with video screens, we interpret the Bible for them, and then we turn it into petty clichés. The argument is always that by doing this we will first capture a non-believers attention and then lead them into a deeper faith afterwards, much like secular advertising. Part of this makes sense to me. But by cutting down God’s word into easy-to-digest tidbits we reduce our message to nothing but more clutter.

    Paul was relevant to his generation, without reducing his message in the slightest. You can see his “be everything to everyone” attitude in 1 Corinthians 9:19-23. The difference between Paul and ourselves is that while he is finding common ground with people he is following up those relationships by preaching the gospel. An unadulterated, unsimplified, relevant gospel. You can see an example of this in Acts 17:22-34 where he finds common ground with the Athenians, their poets, and how they worship, but then turns the conversation towards the one true God and does not shy away from complications or controversies.

    I think that people want depth in faith, they want to see that Christianity is not a mindless bunch of freaks following some tradition they invented. They want to see that it has substance. Now, this may not mean that you start discussing the intricacies of theological matters with a unbeliever, but it does mean that you don’t hold back from explaining things that they have questions on simply because it may confuse them. They are not going to understand the Christian faith in a day. I think the hope is that they will be compelled to pick up a Bible, or ask around and look into it themselves.

    I guess as an Advertising major it’s a challenge to myself as much as anyone else. I’m just as guilty. Maybe we just need to stop trying so hard to be relevant and speak truth. Relevance will follow.

      Is Passion a Necessity?

      I had a great conversation with some folks awhile back about the topic of passion in our relationship with God. I feel like it was a stalemate, not that we were competing, but because I still don’t fully grasp the idea. What is biblical passion anyway? It’s only mentioned in the bible in a negative light, so why is it such a buzzword in the Christian community? Everybody seems to want passion. Worship albums are named Passion, songs are sung about it, but is it necessary?

      Passion is obviously a strong emotion, an attachment to something which you are fixated upon. It certainly sounds like something I’d want in my relationship with God. You see people that are passionate about their careers, about their schoolwork, or their favorite T.V. show and you think “Man, I’d like that…” Passion by its nature is attractive…

      “If you believe something, passionately, people will follow you. People hardly care what you believe, as long as you believe something. If you are passionate about something, people will follow you because they think you know something they don’t, some clue to the meaning of the universe. Passion is tricky, though, because it can point to nothing as easily as it points to something”
      From “Blue Like Jazz” by Donald Miller

      So even though passion is attractive, I guess I don’t want people following me simply because I’m being passionate about something. If they follow me purely as a result of that passion, they will eventually run out of passion for God themselves, get discouraged and turn away. Like the seed that fell on the rocks, sprang up quickly, and eventually withered in the sun because it had no root. (Matthew 13:5-6)

      There have been true moments when I have felt passion for my Lord. But they seem few and far between. I want to have those moments more, I want to have people look at my relationship with God and say “Wow, I want something like that.” Not that I’d be showing off, but that God is simply working through my life and people are inspired to be a part of that too. I want to follow God with all my heart, I want to use all of my abilities to give him glory, I want to pursue him with all the strength I have.

      But I’m not sure I have enough energy to keep that going all the time. Maybe God could sustain me with that kind of energy. But is passion something that he desires in my life? Is it a requirement for my walk? Or is it merely a fringe benefit?

      I don’t want my relationship with God to be an emotional feeling. Emotions are temporary, they never last for very long. I want my belief to endure even when the supporting emotion is not there. My friend Norm once told me that he wasn’t sure that passion was a requirement in your walk with Christ, only dedication. He said some of the wisest Christian men that he knows have not been the most passionate.

      So where does this Passion play a role in our Christian walk then? That’s what I’m left wondering. I cannot fully bring myself to say that Passion is unnecessary. Who wants to follow something they never feel strongly about? I suppose the answer hangs in the middle somewhere, like always. There is a certain place for it, but it cannot become the most important issue. I apologize for my stream-of-consciousness post here, I feel like I’m rambling. What do you think? Is Passion a necessity?

        Am I Enough?

        I believe that’s the question each of us are asking ourselves. I’ve been asking it for a long time. I’ve been looking for that affirmation from others. Today I’ve been so frustrated that I am not everything I want to be, not everything that I could be. I know amazing men of God that I look up to and that I want to be like. But I don’t measure up to them, I am not always like them. So often I feel like I get back the answer that I am not good enough for anything. Not a good enough Christian, not a good enough friend, not good enough at my job, not a good enough member of society.

        I am not enough, I am nothing but a failure. If only I worked harder, was more disciplined, had more friends, and was more spiritual. I try to do all these things, but their needs inundate me and I end up more confused, and more of a failure than before. I strive for my goal which is to be like those people, they have become my standard. This goal that is self made – not God made.

        This is when I realize that I take this question to the wrong place. I ask my friends “Am I Enough”? I ask everyone around me, and I ask myself. I will always dissapoint people around me. And their answers are always dissapointing. Yet, when do I take this question to God? Have you ever tried praying to God and sincerely asking his opinion of you?

        I don’t think his answer would be, “Well, you haven’t read your Bible in awhile, so I’m not sure what to think about you.” He wouldn’t nitpick your spiritual “problem areas.” No, the first thing he would say is that you are his creation, and that he loves you regardless. If you take that question to God the answer you will get back is a resounding “YES!” Through Jesus we no longer have to be enough. We don’t have to measure up to a standard of anyone else, we don’t have to look to others to affirm us.

        The power of grace in action is unfathomable. God is Enough, that’s all that matters.

          The Long Run

          At the beginning of this weekend I was ravenously hungry for fellowship. I wanted to talk, laugh, and be with people. Now, at the end of the weekend, I am exhausted. That may have something more to do with the fact that I got an hour of sleep last night, but I also attribute it to spending a lot of time with people in the past 48 hours. Now, don’t get me wrong. I love spending time with friends, I consider conversation an art form, and it is a rare moment when want to be completely alone.

          This weekend was particularly hard because I got to see the reality of what some of my friends do when they’re not around me, and it was disappointing. They’re not bad people, I know that. I see the potential of what God could do through them. But there are days like this weekend when I lose hope. I get frustrated at their behavior, when I feel that they make foolish choices, and then end up angry at the world because of it. In these moments I want to tell them off, to just yell at them so that maybe they’ll snap out of it. But I know that it wouldn’t help. That would be the easy route, I believe that God has called me to the long run.

          The long run involves waiting patiently. Standing by your friend even while you do not agree with their choices (and they already know that) and still loving them for who they are outside of their behavior. I don’t think refusing to hang out with them simply because you disagree with them is the answer. Instead you set limits to what you are willing to go through with them. And then you wait. You wait until your friend is willing to listen. Willing to let you in and willing to let you speak truth to them.

          But this weekend included one of those redeeming moments too. When you’re so utterly frustrated and just want to scream, suddenly a burst of truth comes out of nowhere and takes you by surprise. When you’re friend opens up and shares with you what you had never thought they were going through. And then you realize that it’s all for a purpose. And even though you’re in it for the long run, and change doesn’t arrive overnight, you remember that change can come. Sometimes it’s simply in baby steps. These moments make the exhausting run worth it.

            An Epic God

            As I’ve had a lot more time lately I decided that I wanted to start reading more often, but I needed to find something easy that I could easily get into and really enjoy at this point. I came back to my favorites, The Chronicles of Narnia, written by C.S. Lewis. I read them long ago as a kid, and a few years back I read The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe to kids that I had at camp, they were entranced. Reading further into the series, I must say, I think I am too.

            These books have been drastically altering my picture of the Christian walk, and that of God himself. They take my walk with Christ out of the normal context. They take away the obligation of following God and give me desire. Instead of a stale experience going to church and talking about God, they challenge me to see life as a battle. A fight between good and evil, a battle of epic proportions. When the Christian walk is put in this context, I believe it makes a lot more sense. The story is not about us, yet we get to take part in it.

            Aslan is the God-figure in the books, an enormous lion who is a ferocious as he is good. (“Safe? ‘course he isn’t safe… but he’s good”) Something strikes me about this picture of God. He is someone who I want to follow, someone who I am willing to fight for. He puts skin and bones to a figure who was hard to envision before. He is a dangerous foe, he is wise, he is compassionate, he is mysterious, but never impersonal. (“He comes and goes as he pleases…”) He puts emotion where had trouble seeing it before.

            What this says about me I’m not exactly sure… I need to read children’s books in order to understand God? Well, something like that, I guess I can’t deny it. I wish I could read the Bible this way and see God and my walk as C.S. Lewis did, but I thank him that he put down his thoughts for us to read in story form. I think God likes stories, there is something epic about God himself. He’s just asking us to play a part in the story.

              How Do I Find Rest?

              I apologize for the lengthy amount of time we have gone without posting here. The school semester is finally over, and I now have some free time to put into this site. Unfortunately Ross is out of the country for awhile on two missions trips this summer. Maybe if we’re lucky he’ll grace us with a post while he’s home for a short time in between.

              All I could think about for the past month of school was how much I was looking for some rest. Some free time to get done what I wanted. I was so busy with school projects and other projects that I didn’t have any time for what I wanted to be doing. I had so many great ideas, and so much enthusiasm to get them done, I only lacked the time to actually do them.

              Now that I am home, I find myself with the opposite problem. I have all the time in the world, but I can hardly get anything done because I have no motivation or enthusiasm for anything around here. I know of all sorts of stuff that I could be doing, and yet I simply don’t do them. I don’t understand myself. There are times when I long for rest, and yet when I find time to rest I don’t use it constructively, I become a blob that cannot accomplish anything.

              What is rest? Some people simply need some sleep, others are looking for some alone time, others are just looking for time where they can do whatever they want. And while there are times when we need to catch up on these things, I think that they won’t give us exactly what we’re looking for. I want to venture that we’re not really looking for rest, but for contentment. If we could only be happy with the situation we’re in, instead of always wishing that we were somewhere else, doing something else, with someone else.

              Psalm 62:5 says, “Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.” We look in all sorts of places for rest. We long for a little bit more time to sleep, a scrap of time to ourselves, yet it is never enough, and we are never satisfied. Just as Solomon found that all the wealth in the world could not make him content, take it from someone who has all the rest in the world for a time, it hasn’t made me any more content. It has made me lazy, bored, sinful, and avoid God. Quit wishing for what you do not have and be happy in the situation that you are in!

              Run to God, for in him and him only, will you find rest.

                School is Over, Work Starts Soon

                School at Eau Claire is over for the semester, I have some time off before I start my internship at Morsekode, a graphic design and advertising firm close by in the Twin Cities. I’m really looking forward to that, but for now I’m just realxing and trying to settle in for the summer.

                I would like to get some of my design work from the semester posted in the portfolio, but unfortunately the majority of it was group projects, so I’m unsure what to post. Now that I have some time this summer I really want to update this website. It’s coming… really.

                  Out of the Everyday, Into the Eternal

                  I wrote this about a year ago, and I wanted to share it here. I believe when I wrote it I had just gotten done watching the last installment of the Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. It made me think.

                  There are moments I treasure in my life. Every piece of art I create never seems perfect enough. Every deep, emotional time with friends leaves me wishing I could spend more time with them, and every movie I see leaves me wanting something more, something deeper. It’s not my perfectionism crying out, nor my lack of friends, nor dreamt up unrealistic hopes created by some producer. There is something real within that yearn, something so utterly human that it can bring me to the point of tears. It strikes a chord within me that’s usually ignored in everyday normal life, but during these moments I feel more alive than I have ever been before.

                  I react in different ways sometimes when this feeling finds me again. Sometimes I try and dismiss it by turning on the TV or going to bed, sometimes I try to capture it by writing (you’re seeing the result), and sometimes I just sit and think. Regardless, I always want these moments to last as long as possible, to revel in them and never go back to my everyday life. During these moments I wonder how I could even go back to everyday life. Yet I do, because there doesn’t seem to be any other option. At some point the feeling eases away and I’m left wondering what that was like once again.

                  Christians talk about before someone accepts Christ that they have a God-shaped hole in their life and they inevitably try and fill it with a myriad of things. This is not the feeling that I’m talking about, though I do think it’s related. No Christian will deny that they have these moments when they’re feeling something bigger than themselves; the moment when they step out of the everyday, and into the eternal. That’s precisely what I think this feeling is: something bigger, something eternal. As we grow older we start realizing that there is little permanence to everything we do, and we grasp for a more lasting endeavor.

                  There are other moments I have that are not a yearning, but a peace. Times when I feel close to God, like he’s across the table at a coffee shop looking me in the eyes. My mindset is so focused on him during these times that everything I do God takes part in. I eat, sleep, and breathe God. It feels wonderful. I don’t feel like I’m being religious, and I’m not worrying what other people think of me. My head clears for awhile. But it never stays. Inevitably something brings me back to the harsh reality of everyday life, and I must plod on.

                  As Christians our goal is to live for the King, our God. But some days the Christian walk does not seem adventurous. The goal is not always as obvious, the enemies not quite so evil, and the reward never as redeeming. Everyday life seems like a muted version of the real way we should live. Like driving in the car for hours and only seeing the same sights repeated. It’s the glimpses of a reality we could have that drive us.

                  These are the times I’m talking about; these are the times I look forward to. I want to spend more of my life out of the everyday, and into the eternal. It makes me look forward to heaven all the more…

                    AIGA Conference

                    I’m back from my home-state of Minnesota from the weekend. I was at the AIGA Student Graphic Design Conference. While there I got to tour several different Graphic Studios, some of which had incredible spaces that they work in, much better than my dorm room. On Saturday I met with four different reviewers. Some of them were way too nice, and didn’t really give me anything to improve upon, but others gave me some great comments to work with.As I’m going through old work and improving it, look for some more changes in the online portfolio pretty soon as some of the work is badly outdated, and it needs better organization. Unfortunately it may have to wait until after finals. They seem to be keeping me very busy at this point.

                      Stepping Out of the Zone

                      In my speech class the other day we had to interview each other regarding the topics we’re speaking on. This one girl asked me if I was comfortable stepping out of my comfort zone. I thought that was a ridiculous question to ask, it’s called a comfort zone for a reason, because you’re uncomfortable stepping out of it. It made no sense to me. The professor thought the question was marvelous though, so I didn’t say what I was thinking.

                      When I came to college I didn’t have much of a comfort zone. I lived in a room with 3 other guys who were very unlike me. We got along great regardless of our differences, and I came to love living in the basement with them. As I began to get more involved with campus ministry I began spending more time with Christians, living with Christian roommates, and now the majority of my close friends are now Christians. I have built a large comfort zone around myself.

                      Now, don’t get me wrong, I know a good group of people in my major, I know the guys on my floor in the dorm, I work with a bunch of other people at my job. Yet, I do not really know many of them at all. I don’t know what going on in their lives, don’t know how they’re struggling, I hardly know what they do with most of their free time. I only know them at the surface level, and they only know me that much. That is pitiful.

                      I cannot do God’s work in my comfort zone. I believe that God has called me to befriend non-believers. Not for the purpose of making them into my Christian stereotype. But so that God can work through me in their lives. People are people in God’s eyes. Matthew 5:45 says, “He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” While we’re on earth, I don’t believe God distinguishes to whom he gives grace. I wish I could do the same.

                      I get by many times thinking that if someone wants to get to know me, then they should be comfortable doing the same things that I do. I bring non-believers to a Christian meeting and wonder why they think it’s weird, or why they aren’t comfortable in this situation. Why? I’m quite sure that I’m not the only Christian who struggles with this. We need to engage people where they are at. That means going to their house, hanging out with their friends. We should be the ones willing to risk ourselves, risk our comfort zones for them, not vice versa. I need to step out of my comfortable Christian clique.

                      I’m still figuring out this “In the world, but not of the world” business means (John 17:14-15). But I’m trying to figure it out. What I have written here I have not put into practice yet. It’s going to be hard, and it may take some time. Please have patience with me.