This month Nora is eating every 3 hours and having solid finger food at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, pooping at least once a day (or more if she eats corn!), and sleeping from 7 pm – 6:30 am. She weighs 19 lbs 6 oz. Nora is much more aware this month watching animals at the zoo and imitating things that we do. Jesse and I had our first night away to celebrate our anniversary while Grandpa and Grandma watched Nora. We started swimming lessons, and Nora even dunked her head under the water. With two trips Up North, we spent lots of time outside and in the lake. The saddest part of the month was having hand, foot, and mouth disease in addition to getting three new teeth. One of the most fun things is that Nora will now turn the pages when we are reading books.
Family Members: Nora
Nine Months
This month Nora is eating every 3 hours and having solid finger foods at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, pooping once a day, and sleeping from 7 pm – 6:45 am (with one feeding around midnight and sometimes a second toward morning). She weighs 19 lbs 1 oz (64%) and is 29 3/4 inches long (98%). Nora went from crawling to pulling up to stand in less than two weeks. Two weeks later she was walking along the furniture, and one week later she was holding on with only one hand. She figured out how to stand in her crib the same week she got her fourth tooth. Night sleep is an even more distant memory for mom and dad, but we finally have a daytime schedule with two one and a half hour naps. Nora has started to wave and charms people everywhere we go with her cute curls, smiles, and waves.
Eight Months
This month Nora is eating every 2-3 hours and having finger food solids at breakfast and dinner, pooping once a day, and sleeping from 7 pm – 7 am (with 1 feeding between 2-4 am). She weighs 19 lbs 6 oz and is 28 inches long. She started the month up on all fours rocking and finished the month being able to crawl. She spent about two weeks army crawling in the middle. She has also started drinking water from a straw cup and is wearing summer clothes. For Father’s Day we celebrated by going to Nora’s first Twins Game. We only stayed for a couple of innings because she hated the loud cheering. Another first was swimming in a swimming pool which she loved. She did get her first top tooth. The cutest thing is that she has started to clap. She does it every time she sits up on her own.
Seven Months
This month Nora is eating every 2-3 hours (growth spurt?), pooping once a day, and sleeping 12 hours at night (mostly with 2 wake ups). She weighs 19 lbs 6 oz (maybe my scale was wrong?) and is still 27 1/4 inches long. Food was the topic of the month. After beginning solid purees, Nora went on a food strike refusing to be spoon fed. We decided to take a complete break from solids and try again later. Nora can now sit up on her own, so we baby proofed the house (put up a baby gate and outlet covers) just in time for her to start scooting. She is getting up on all fours but not moving forward yet. It was also finally warm enough to visit the park, and Nora loves the swings.
Six Months
This has been a month of incredible development! This month Nora still eats every 2.5-3 hours, poops a couple times a day, and sleeps 12 hours at night (this month with MANY interruptions). Nora weighs 16 lbs 4 oz (51%) and is 27 1/4 inches long (92%). She finally mastered rolling both directions and can now move across a room. Nora sleeps on her stomach and started wearing her 9 month clothes. Sadly, they are summer styles, so we have had a to buy a few long sleeve onesies to keep her warm enough. Lastly, Nora got her first two teeth! This has been a sleep SINKER. One night she woke up crying every hour. Jesse and I were going crazy until we finally saw that first tooth. Sleep has improved, but the doctor told me the top teeth will be close behind. Yikes!
Five Months
This month Nora eats every 2.5-3 hours, poops every day, and sleeps 12 hours at night (the longest stretch between feedings 10 pm – 5 am). Nora weighs 14 lbs 12 oz and is about 26 inches long. She has made two big accomplishments: she started rolling from her back to her stomach and she found her toes. She loves to grab and look at her toes, and she can even suck on them. One big event was that Nora was dedicated at Bethlehem Baptist Church. She loved having the support and prayers of so many family members and friends!
Four Months
This month Nora eats every 2.5-3 hours, poops every other day, and sleeps 12 hours at night (the longest stretch between feedings being 9 pm – 5 am). At her 4 Month check-up Nora weighs 13 lbs 6 oz (32%) and is 25 3/4 inches long (93%). When being held, Nora now likes to stand instead of sit. At night she is moving around in her crib, so we unswaddled her arms. After meeting her new cousin, Joshua, she got her first Lashbrook family cold with a stuffy nose and cough. It was so sad! We traveled two weekends in a row, and it was a little too much. Nora also switched to her 6 month clothes because she was too long for her 3 month pajamas.
Three Months
This month Nora eats every 2-3 hours, poops every 1-2 days, and sleeps 9-10 hours at night. She weighs 11 lbs 7 oz. Her most impressive skill is bringing her hands together. This means she can grab her toys, mommy’s face, and anything in her path. Nora no longer likes to be held laying down. Instead, she always wants to be sitting up though her head still gets heavy sometimes. Lastly, we have moved from occasional giggles to daily laughs. She will laugh at tickling on her changing table and daddy talking in silly voices.
Poop on Minnesota…
Today I took this picture of Nora (cute outfit, huh?). I planned to post it with a witty comment like “Don’t give up friends, my heart belongs in Minnesota”. It is -4 degrees. It feels like -19 degrees and that is the highest the temperature has risen in days.
But…Nora had other plans. Not five minutes after this picture was taken Nora had a huge blowout. The kind of blowout where every piece of clothing went directly into the washing machine and still didn’t come clean. I’m pretty sure Nora wanted to share a different message: poop on Minnesota…and bring on spring!
Two Months
This month Nora eats every 1.5-2 hours, poops 1-2 times a day, and sleeps 7-8 hours at night. She weighs 10 lbs 3 oz (23%) and is 22.5 inches long (52%). She has mostly outgrown her newborn clothes and is wearing 3 Month though they are a little baggy. A few of her accomplishments include: her first road trip (to Neenah), following faces and toys with her eyes, and smiling the most beautiful smile with the cutest dimples.