The Second Trimester

    Here are Bump photos from Week 17 through Week 27.

    Some commonly asked questions:

    When is your due date?

    October 12

    Is it a boy or a girl?

    It is a…surprise! We didn’t find out at our Week 20 ultrasound. The wives’ tales say boy. What do you think?

    Are you feeling movement?

    Yes. The light kicks from Week 23 have turned into strong kicks and rolls and bony elbows and knees in Week 27.

    Do you have names picked out?

    Not yet. We have a short list, but we are keeping this a secret also. I know…we are no fun.

    Will you go back to school in the fall?

    Yes! My first day for this school year is August 20.

    How is the nursery coming along?

    Sadly, it is still an office. We are still working on selling some pieces of furniture and beginning to paint. We do have a crib, dresser, and car seat. Lil’ Sprout can now come home with us…

    Are you excited?

    YES!!! Only one trimester left. Let the countdown begin…

      Summer Started…With A Bang!

      Last Friday marked the first day of Summer 2013. It was also the day we flew to Texas for our first summer trip. On Saturday Jesse’s cousin, Kelly, got married to David.

      Isn’t her dress amazing?!?

      The wedding gave us the opportunity to visit Austin. We enjoyed seeing the Capital and all of the Texan pride. It was also fun to spend time with Jesse’s mom and Larry as well as his Aunt Chris and Uncle Dennis (remember Philadelphia?).

      My favorite discovery in Austin was a shaved ice truck called Sno-Beach. Neenah, Wisconsin (where I grew up) used to have a shaved ice stand called Sno-Shack. It was one of my favorite summer stops. I loved it so much I owned their t-shirt and only threw the t-shirt away when it developed large holes. I was so excited to find Sno-Beach in Austin, and my favorite flavor, Tiger’s Blood. Yum!

      My favorite bump picture so far…

      After Austin, we road-tripped over to San Antonio. We were interested in the history of the Alamo and loved the restaurants on the River Walk.

      We decided to split our trip home into two days with a day in Branson, Missouri in the middle. While in Branson we visited the Big Cedar Lodge, saw an illusionist, and enjoyed Joseph by the Sight and Sound Theater.

      This trip was only the beginning of a busy summer. Can you keep up? Can I keep up?

        There’s A Name For This…

        This past week we had our 20-week ultrasound. We did not find out if Lil’ Sprout is a boy or girl. The next day I had a mini-meltdown about all the baby things we need to do. Right now we don’t have a nursery. We haven’t picked out names. We haven’t bought anything for the baby. We haven’t registered. You get the idea.

        Jesse kindly agreed to start cleaning out our office this weekend to begin making room for the baby. We decided the first step was to move everything out of the closet. This required emptying our other closets to decide what to keep and what to get rid of.

        The Office Mess
        The Red Bedroom Mess
        The Guest Room Mess
        “Extra” Things

        About halfway through the project, we sat down for a break. I said to Jesse, “You know, there is a name for this.” Jesse replied, “Nesting, right? Except I feel like I am doing all the nesting.”

        At the end of the day, Lil’ Sprout has a closet!

          Trip Update…

          Right after school is out, Jesse and I are headed to Austin, Texas with Larry and Cyndee to attend Jesse’s cousin’s wedding. Thinking about a trip to Texas reminds me that I still have two trips I haven’t blogged.

          Last fall my mom and I took our first girls’ trip. I think it will be the first of many because we had a BLAST. I had a long weekend off from school, so we headed to Savannah, Georgia for some warmth before winter really began.

          The following were some of my favorite things about Savannah:

          The best BBQ and sweet tea from a restaurant in a strip mall!

          We waited in line for two hours for this fabulous meal from The Wilkes House. I am still craving the delicious fried chicken!

          We even went to a cooking demonstration. We pulled up to this “cooking school” and wondered what we signed up for, but the shrimp and corn chowder was our favorite course!

          On this trip my mom and I discovered a big difference in our traveling styles. I am all about the fine dining, and she is all about the sight-seeing. We did a little bit of both.

          We started our trip with a trolley ride overview of the city.

          The trees with Spanish moss were amazing!

          My mom enjoyed touring a historic home.

          We also visited the First African Baptist Church where slaves were hidden along the Underground Railroad.

          Not to mention walking, walking, walking through cemeteries and squares.

          So, where to next, mom?


            The Bump Has Arrived

            I have had some friends requesting pictures of my baby bump. I always enjoyed seeing other people’s baby bumps, so I decided to oblige.

            Some things you may be wondering. I began wearing maternity pants (mostly for comfort) at Week 14. I have been morning “sick” twice. Some of my cravings have been grapefruit, deviled eggs, chicken fingers, and potatoes (potato chips, mashed potatoes, etc.). I’m not feeling any movement yet, but I feel like I have “popped” at Week 16.

              Things in Life That Change You

              Jesse and I are SO excited about the birth of our first child. The way God creates life is amazing. The way God created the life inside of me is a miracle.

              We were infertile. I never blogged about it. I may never have talked to you about it, but Jesse and I heard a lot of bad news before we heard the incredible news that we were expecting. After a year of trying to have a baby, I visited my OB/GYN. We took tests and had procedures done only to find that I have a blocked fallopian tube on my right side. This was scary because it very rarely happens for no reason. My OB/GYN referred us to an infertility specialist. A few months later I began having constant pain in my stomach. It was diagnosed as an ovarian cyst on my left ovary (the side where the egg needed to come from!). Six weeks later I had laproscopic surgery to remove the cyst. During surgery they found Stage III endometriosis and cleaned up as much as they could. At this point, statistics were not in our favor. After surgery we began treatment with the infertility specialist only to find that the left ovary was unresponsive. At the recommendation of our doctor, we began investigating In-Vitro Fertilization (a very costly and invasive procedure). In the meantime, my left ovary produced ONE egg follicle. It was the ONE egg follicle that God used to create our baby.

              Infertility rocked our world. It was something we thought would never happen to us. We always wanted to have children and often argued about how many we wanted to have. Infertility changed us, yet in the midst of it we had to believe that God loved us if we never had our own children. We had to believe that if we never conceived it would be His perfect plan for us. Did we doubt? Yes! Did we pray? Yes! In the end, God provided a miracle baby, and we will be forever grateful.

              10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) by Matt Redman

              The sun comes up, it’s a new day dawning
              It’s time to sing Your song again
              Whatever may pass, and whatever lies before me
              Let me be singing when the evening comes

              Bless the Lord, O my soul
              O my soul
              Worship His holy name
              Sing like never before
              O my soul
              I’ll worship Your holy name


                On March 5, 1983 my parents got married. This marriage created my family and helped shape the person I am today. I am one of the lucky ones. After thirty years, my parents are still happily married.

                They will be one of the first to tell you that marriage takes work. I remember coming home from school and finding my parents on the couch talking about their days. I remember them taking trips with my brother and I…and without us. I remember them praying together before falling asleep at night. I remember sitting down to dinner as a family almost every night of the week.

                At this impressive milestone, I want to wish Glen and Janet Lashbrook a happy anniversary. If you have any words of encouragement or gratitude for them, leave a comment here, jump over to my mom’s Facebook page, or send them a card in the mail. I love and appreciate their example of marriage as I am sure do many of you.


                  One of my favorite things about traveling is the anticipation and planning stage. Next week I will fly off to Savannah, Georgia for a girl’s weekend with my mom.

                  So far we have booked our flights and hotel. We will be staying in the Historic District within walking distance of many of the main attractions. On Saturday night we will be attending a session at a cooking school where we will be preparing food for a fancy dinner party. Mostly, we will relax in the sunshine, eat at fun restaurants, and enjoy spending time together.

                  I can’t wait to tell you all about it!

                    I Finished a Pinterest

                    If you haven’t heard of it, Pinterest is a visual directory of all things crafty. There are thousands of posts for recipes, decorating, fashion, etc. When you are on the website, you “pin” ideas to your different boards. I currently have seven boards and a total of ninety-two pins.

                    Similar to other social networks, you can follow the “pins” of your friends to see different ideas that they are finding. In speaking with my Pinterest friends, we are always complaining that we always “pin” ideas but never make the recipe, complete the project, or wear the outfit.

                    I am proud to say that I have finished a Pinterest project. Many months ago I saw a great idea to collage scrapbook paper on canvas. I saw another idea for a fun wall of picture frames. I combined the two ideas above the dressers in my bedroom.

                    Now, will someone please pin my project to Pinterest?


                      I had high hopes for my garden this year. I wrote a post about all the things I planted. You can read it here.

                      This summer was a bit of a fail. It started when something came and ate/trampled five of my seven sunflowers. Then the deer ate my potato plants and my green beans. Then there was a drought, and it never rained, and we were gone every weekend. Lastly, the Japanese beetles showed up to devour what the deer left behind.

                      I spent today doing my fall garden clean-up. Basically, I just pulled up my one sunflower that bloomed, all of my strawberry plants, and all of my green bean plants. I decided to check on my potatoes to see how they were doing.


                      Success! I actually managed to grow something this year that we were able to harvest. This is all of the potatoes from three potato plants. I planted six, so I will dig up the rest next week. We haven’t eaten them yet, but we are looking forward to some homegrown produce.