
    At 4:30 am on Tuesday morning, Jesse woke me up with a start, “Do you smell smoke?” I did as Jesse hopped out of bed to investigate. He immediately ran downstairs to check on the furnace. From our bedroom, I heard a strange sound coming from the office. I ran into the office to find smoke billowing out of our fish tank. I quickly pulled the electrical plug to all parts of the tank.

    Jesse looked at the tank and thought it was probably our filter. He carried it downstairs, and we tried to go back to sleep. It was difficult as our adrenaline was pumping, and our whole house smelled like smoke. Upon further investigation, we realized the smoke was actually coming from the fish tank heater. We are still working on contacting the company to alert them to the malfunction.

    The next day I felt extremely tired, but I mostly felt grateful. We quickly realized that we had just had a close encounter with a dangerous situation. Our smoke detector never went off, but we were able to recognize the danger and take care of it before our home was damaged. Thank you, Lord, for protecting our home and both of us!

      New Year’s in Arizona

      To complete our tri-state trip, we flew to Phoenix, Arizona on Tuesday, December 28th. Many people asked, “Why Phoenix?” My aunt Brook (my dad’s sister) and her husband Chris live in Arizona, and my grandparents (my dad’s parents) are living in Phoenix for the winter. Sadly, we were unable to get the whole Lashbrook family together (we missed you GE and Janet, Travis and Shannon, Michael, Kristi, and Karina)!

      The first morning it was cool and cloudy, but we decided to go for a hike in the North mountain range. The North mountains are within walking distance of my aunt’s house. We started out with 3 dogs, my aunt, uncle, mom, dad, Jesse and I. When it started to sprinkle, my dad, Jesse, and I remained on the hike with one of the dogs.

      It felt amazing to be outside without a coat. I also loved the smell of grass and earth. It is amazing the smells that get covered by snow. My dad “thought” he knew the hike he went on with my aunt the day before. It turns out he was a little uncertain. We should have been circling back around one of the mountains, but we weren’t. Jesse had the bright idea to head up, so we could see our surroundings. He continued to go up and up until we determined we were on a trail to the top of the peak. A few times, the dog looked at us like we were crazy when we asked him to go through rocks and over the landscape. We called my aunt for guidance. She didn’t know where we were.

      Determined not to go back the way we came, we charted a course between two mountains. We eventually found the trail again and made it home. Using Google Map we were able to determine we were trying to go “around” the wrong mountain.

      "Let's go's an adventure, Andrea, right?"

      Our first evening we celebrated Christmas.

      The Boys (Jesse, Chris, Eric, Grandpa, Glen, and Barossa)
      The Girls (Alaina, Brook, me, Grandma, and Janet)
      Eric doing his job as Santa

      One thing the Lashbrooks always like to do when we are together is eat. During this trip, I set out to learn two of our famous family recipes. Brook and I made her homemade crescent rolls, and I finally wrote down the recipe for my grandma’s chicken and dumplings.

      Rolling out the dough (her's were prettier than mine...I guess what I tell my students is true about practice)
      Christmas Dinner (yes, this is #3 if you are counting)
      I recorded the recipe but it is really about the taste and feel...will I ever be able to replicate this?
      Making Mashed Potatoes (We don't look alike, do we?)

      The rest of the week was chilly for Phoenix, so we played lots of games and talked with our other family members over Skype.

      Favorite games: Monopoly Deal, Loaded Questions, Bananagrams, Aquire, and Ticket to Ride
      Hello, France! I have become a huge fan of Skype.

      My sister-in-law, Alaina, was in the middle of the Hunger Games book series. We didn’t see much of her!

      Every year over New Year’s, my aunt and uncle’s neighborhood throws a potluck block party. This year there was a live DJ. We danced, ate, remembered the old year and celebrated the New Year.

      Still in Love (5 years this summer!)

      Thanks Lashbrook family for a great New Year’s!

        Christmas Up North

        On Saturday, December 25th we awoke in Chicago to find that Santa had arrived!

        Cyndee has a new bike! Way to go Santa!

        Jesse was also excited by what Santa left for him.

        A Blu-ray player!

        In typical Sutherland style, we jumped in the car and headed Up North. We met Josh, Katie, Cody, and Aubrie for a delicious Christmas dinner. Then we opened more gifts. It is always more fun to share Christmas with children!

        Aubrie's new books
        Cody's digital camera taking a picture of his new African knife (Katie is cringing in the background)
        Big hugs for the GREAT gifts!

        We spent the rest of the weekend relaxing, resting, and…

        ...playing ANGRY BIRDS!

        Not to mention hitting the trails for some great snowmobile rides (we missed you Larry).

        Sutherland Team #1
        Cody is ready-great snowsuit Katie!

        Do you notice a lack of pictures of any adults Up North??? Our nephew and niece are SO cute! Thank you Sutherland family for a great Christmas!

          Christmas Eve

          I thought I could fit all of our Christmas adventure into one post. After all, it was one trip. As I looked through all of the pictures and fun memories, though, I realized that for your sake I will split our crazy travels into a few posts. It will encourage you to stay tuned!

          We began our adventure Thursday, December 23rd. We loaded up the Camry (and I mean LOADED) and drove to Chicago with Christmas tunes playing in the background.

          Friday, December 24th we followed the Smith family traditions. We began the day on Skype with the missing Smith family (Rick, Ann, Katie, Rachel, Julia, and Caleb are in Kenya).

          Merry Christmas in Africa!

          We then admired Bev’s beautiful table (Ann this picture is just for you!).

          Followed by eating beef tenderloin, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, the Smith salad, broccoli and cheese, corn, and resurrection rolls (these deserve their own blog post at another time…maybe Easter). The Smith Christmas Eve dinner is a tradition-it is the SAME every year…we love it!

          Dinner is always followed by the Christmas play. With four missing actors and actresses, this year’s play was a bit unorthodox, but still meaningful in its basic story. I must say it included the most graphic birth of Christ I have ever seen (way to go Hannah).

          Michele and I watched in warmth!

          We ended the evening opening gifts from one to another. The highlight this year was a foosball table for Matthew, Mitch, and Mason. Thankfully, our choice of sweatshirts for our nieces were a hit.

          Thank you to the Smiths for a family fun Christmas Eve!

            We Made It!

            On Saturday, December 11, I graduated with my Master of Science degree from Minnesota State University-Mankato. I must take the opportunity to thank my supportive and loving husband for helping me accomplish this goal. He willingly helped pay for my graduate degree, he lovingly encouraged me through hours of homework and projects, and he thoughtlessly served me by taking care of the details of our life while I was so busy. This past week we were remembering that I have been working on grad school for the past two and a half years. We could not even remember what life was like before I had classes to complete. We made it!

            To some of you, December 11th has another significance. It is the date of one of the Top 10 snowfalls in the Twin Cities. I started hearing about the blizzard on Thursday night. My mom, dad, brother, and sister-in-law were all planning to come to Minnesota for graduation celebrations. I called my mom to warn her about the snow.

            Once everyone arrived on Friday night, we found this notice from Mankato State. We looked into getting a hotel for the night but decided to sleep in our comfortable beds and leave at 6:30 am Saturday morning in hopes of making it to campus for the Department of Education’s hooding ceremony at 9 am. My dad and Jesse awoke and shoveled the first 7 inches of snow. All six of us piled into one car and set off. On the drive to Mankato (81 miles), we were met with unplowed highways and blowing snow. At 9:10 am we ran into the Performing Arts Center slipping and sliding through the parking lot on the ice beneath the snow. My family sat down and I ran onto the stage for my hooding. We made it!

            After the ceremony an administrative assistant helped us map a route to the graduation ceremony through the academic buildings of campus, but we had to cross one street to find the tunnels. With our first steps out of the building, we were slipping, sliding and falling on the ice. We turned a corner up to the building, and the wind and snow almost blew us over. Laughing and joking, we found the Taylor Center and attended the ceremony. We made it!

            After the ceremony, we all piled back into the car for the drive home. Driving through the streets of Mankato were treacherous, and we left behind cars  and trucks spinning their wheels. Once on the highway, we traveled at a slow 30 miles per hour. We caught up with a caravan of cars and attempted to travel with them. My dad had Jesse and I in the front seat as spotters. Every minute he asked, “Where am I?” Based on the few pieces of the road we could see we would answer left lane or right lane. The snow continued and the wind picked up. Many times my dad would ask, “Where am I?” and Jesse and I didn’t even have an answer. We couldn’t see the road, we couldn’t see the caravan of cars, we couldn’t see anything.

            I did see a sign for a hotel 2 miles ahead. We saw the hotel but saw no way to get to the hotel. We decided to take the next exit. Getting off on the exit, our car got stuck in the snow. We could not even see roads to turn on to head in the direction of the hotel. We stopped in a turn lane to decide what to do. An angel in the form of a tow truck pulled up alongside us. We shouted AmericInn out the window. He replied, “Follow me”. He lead us through “streets” a foot deep in snow but we continued on knowing if we got stuck he could pull us out. With gale force winds blowing us down, we ran from the parking lot into the hotel. We made it!

            I explained that we had six people. A woman at the desk let me know there were two king bed rooms available. The woman next to her was on the phone explaining that they had two rooms available. The person helping me looked at me and asked, “Do you want the rooms?” I replied yes and the person on the phone was out of luck. We got the last two rooms in the hotel. Later my dad asked, “How much did I end up paying for these rooms?”

            We went to our rooms and collapsed for a rest. Thankfully, the hotel had a family restaurant across the parking lot. We spent the evening enjoying dinner and watching the movie The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. We slept boys in one room, girls in the other.

            This morning we set out for Eagan only to find more unplowed roads and a driveway covered with 4 foot drifts. The boys shoveled a path and we were home. The snow storm total in the area where we were was 20.5 inches. We made it!

            Our adventure and detours this weekend add another story to our crazy family memories. Thank you mom and dad for your dedication and encouragement. Thank you Eric and Alaina for your support and sacrifice. I love you! We made it!

              Twas the Eve of Thanksgiving

              Twas the eve of Thanksgiving
              And all through the night
              On the road we did go
              It caused quite a fright.

              While others were dreaming
              Of turkey and stuffing
              Except for this poem
              We did absolutely nothing.

              It began with the traffic
              Continued with the snow
              It ended with rainfall
              To mother’s house we did go.

              We found ourselves blessed
              As the wind fiercely blowed
              Many unfortunate souls
              Off the unplowed road.

              We were greeted in Neenah
              With a hug and a kiss
              From our family to yours:
              Thanksgiving bliss!

                Fall Shopping Extravaganza

                Early this summer Jesse informed me he was ready for a new look. I quickly retorted that a new look required shopping, and he hates shopping. To my shock, he replied, “Okay”. To budget our money, we use the envelope system, so I started saving the money in the clothes envelope for a fall shopping adventure. I brought up our shopping trip many times, but Jesse kept putting it off. I finally threatened to spend the money in the envelope on new clothes for me, and Jesse agreed to go shopping.

                We began the afternoon going through our closet and sorting clothes to donate and clothes to trash. Then we each made a list of clothing items we wanted to add to our wardrobe. Jesse’s list included something a mannequin would wear.

                We left home and headed straight to lunch. I have learned that a hungry Jesse equals an I hate shopping Jesse. After lunch we began with a few successful purchases from The Gap. Jesse was energized and in a good mood (we found something straight off a mannequin)! Upon entering Macy’s, I began to see Jesse’s eyes glaze over. We pushed through and made it to American Eagle, Target, and Kohl’s.

                Seven hours later Jesse said, “I finally like my clothes.” Success!

                  One of those days…

                  This morning I woke up with high hopes of a productive and normal day. As I pulled out of the driveway slightly behind schedule, I heard “Thwump, thwump…” My dad and my husband would be very proud because I actually pulled over to the side of the road to check on my car. Of course, I had a flat tire. Of course, Jesse had to be at work early. Of course, I was running late.

                  In learning to drive, my dad actually made me learn how to change a tire. With AAA, I decided to let someone else do it. Sadly, someone else didn’t show up for an hour and a half! Thankfully, my co-worker kindly covered my class until I arrived (thank you Dawn!), but it certainly has been one of those days…

                    The Bog

                    This past week I set out on an adventure by myself. Last spring I was invited to attend our 4th graders annual Wolf Ridge outdoor education trip. I accepted and joined 120 4th graders, 40 parents, and 7 teachers on a four day trip.

                    On Sunday I left for the North Shore of Minnesota. The property is on a hill and from certain viewpoints you can see Lake Superior. When Jesse and I hiked the Superior Hiking Trail two summers ago, I snapped this picture knowing the moment would come when I would join the adventure.

                    The first evening I completed a high ropes course twice (even backwards once). The next day I attended a class about the Voyageurs where the students learned about the fur trade, how to make fire, and how to paddle a canoe. I helped cook “biscuits” over an open flame. My next class was the high ropes course with students. They were fearless. It was so cool to see them step out onto a single wire with smiles on their faces. The first evening I taught a class about renewable resources, and we made paper out of paper. Are you tired yet? I was!

                    The second day I started my morning rock climbing. The students learned to belay for one another. They wanted to belay for me, but I decided to let one of the dads in our group help me out. 🙂 Our afternoon class that day was Wetlands. You may be wondering about the title of this post…but some of you will recognize that a bog is one specific example of a wetland. The kids and I all donned waders and headed out. On our way through the bog, guess who fell through??? Me! I was to my knees in mud. The kids were trying to pull me out with little success. The instructor needed to dig down in the mud, pull out my boot, while two dads pulled out my arms. The kids of course thought it was hilarious and everyone in the school had heard about it by the time I returned on Thursday.

                    On our last day (Wednesday) I attended a class about beavers. More pictures will follow, but in all it was a great trip…I hope I get to go again…if I have recovered by next year.


                      I know you have all been sitting on the edge of your seats to hear about our trip to Riviera Maya, Mexico. We were gone for 7 days which turned into 8 days after a cancelled flight in Chicago (although Chicago is the best place for us to be stuck as that is where Jesse’s parents live).

                      We stayed at the Grand Mayan resort and spent most of our days relaxing by the pool and reading. Even Jesse enjoyed a good book!

                      Two of the days we rented a car and went on different adventures. On Tuesday we traveled to Akumel (a small town on the coast). We looked up the local dive shop for some snorkeling. We hired a guide and headed into the water. We were able to see many sea turtles. They are so cool! They can stay underwater for 20 minutes and then need to surface for 2 breaths of air. We were able to see many of the turtles surface. We also saw a sting ray, and I saw a barracuda.

                      Ready for snorkeling...if only I had known...

                      After about half an hour, we headed further away from shore toward the coral reef. It was at this point that I began to feel ill. Here I am in warm water over my head with waves crashing against me with a life jacket on. Needless to say, I puked. Thankfully, the water quickly washed it away. We ended our snorkeling experience there and sat on the beach for a good 30 minutes before I was ready to do anything else.

                      Next we decided to go to a place in Akumel called Yal-Ku Lagoon. This is a shallow inlet of water with interesting places to snorkel. Jesse looked at the beautiful fish, I swam a bit but mostly sat on the shore enjoying the sun. We finished the day at a restaurant ON the beach. Breath-taking!

                      Stay thirsty my friend!

                      We spent Wednesday recuperating from our adventure but decided to explore again on Thursday. This time we traveled to the Mayan ruins at Tulum. Tulum was a trading city right on the coast of Mexico. Again, we hired a personal guide and enjoyed hearing the history and culture of the city.

                      From there, we visited Dos Ojos, a cenote. This is a sinkhole revealing an underground river that has eroded the surrounding rock into caves. I tried snorkeling again and with the VERY cold water I was okay. The coolest part was the color of the water and the depth of the river. You would swim over these dark holes that went so far down you couldn’t see the bottom-a little freaky.

                      Our last stop of the day was Playa del Carmen for tacos el pastor and some shopping. I came home with a beautiful silver ring surrounding red coral. It took some bartering but Jesse enjoyed watching me interact with the locals.

                      We loved our trip and relaxing before the busy school year. Adios verano! Goodbye summer!