New Ideas…

    I received two new purchases this weekend to help me be more “green”.

    One thing I have been interested in is making my own compost. Each spring when I need dirt for my gardening projects, we have had to buy compost from Home Depot. Every time I have looked, though, compost bins have been very expensive. Last month, I saw a small ad in our Eagan newsletter about rain barrels and compost bins for a reduced price. After buying it and paying for it, I picked it up over the weekend.

    The Earth Machine

    Two years ago for my birthday, Jesse bought me a new bike. Until that point, I had still been riding my childhood bike, and I was having trouble keeping up. Last summer I tried to ride my bike to more places (the library, out to dinner, etc.). I wanted to run more errands with my bike but had no way to carry any of my purchases home. My friend Jody is an avid garage saler. This spring I asked her to be on the lookout for a bargain bike trailer…and she found one. My goal this summer is to bike to all of my errands within 5 miles of our home…and carry my things home in my Burley.

    My new grocery cart!

      Sutherland Road to Europe…

      Jesse and I will be celebrating our 5 year wedding anniversary in July. To celebrate we decided to take an international trip this summer. There were many locations to choose from, but we finally decided to head to Italy. A few years ago, our friends Eric and Alyssa shared with us their love of Europe and some of their exciting travels. We decided to follow in their footsteps.

      The gigantic leap was purchasing plane tickets. Our next step was determining an itinerary. After pinpointing where we wanted to be and for how long, we booked our lodging.

      Our travels will take us to Venice (2 nights), Florence (2 nights), Cinque Terre (2 nights), through Pisa, Rome (4 nights), and back to Minneapolis.

      We have been using Rick Steves’ Italy 2011 for travel and sightseeing information. We are nervous about the language barrier but very excited…is it summer yet?

        A Big Job…

        This past weekend Jesse helped me accomplish another crazy project. I only received a few murderous glares during the process…

        When Jesse built me the raised vegetable gardens, we placed them on the east side of our house. When I decided I wanted more garden space, he built me two more raised beds on the west side of our house. Because of the hot afternoon sun, the vegetables and fruit on the west side of the house have grown better than the original vegetable beds. For this reason, I had the great idea of moving the original vegetable beds to the sunny side of the house.

        Original East Side Vegetable Beds
        Original West Side Vegetable Beds

        We decided the first step was to shovel dirt out of the vegetable beds to be moved. We then moved the wooden frame together with the chicken wire into place. Next, we ripped up the grass under where the new bed would go creating sod for where the vegetable bed came from. After that, we shoveled dirt back into the frame ready for planting. Lastly, we transplanted the grass to the other side of the house. We are hoping it grows, so we have minimal seed to plant.

        Ready, Set, Go!

        When the moving was finished, I planted my vegetables. This is the first year I am trying pole green beans. The other back bed has strawberry plants. The far front bed has tomato and pepper plants. The near front bed has summer squash and will have bush green beans for staggered planting.

        Finished Project

        For those of you not interested in my gardening projects, you will be happy to know I will soon be chronicling our next adventure. Jesse and I have a 10 day trip to Italy planned in June. Check back soon for more details!

          One Year!

          I have been blogging for one year. I have written 67 posts (an average of one post every five days). Jesse and I have traveled to South Carolina, Mexico, Chicago, Mankato, Neenah, and Up North. We have remodeled our kitchen and our guest room.

          You have been following the Sutherland Road for one year. You have read about our successes and failures. You have learned about our family and friends. You have followed on many of our adventures.

          I wonder where the Sutherland Road will take us in the next year…join me as we continue the journey…


            Most of the food I grow in my summer garden is vegetables. My mother probably finds this entertaining because there are really very few vegetables I enjoy eating. I do, though, enjoy growing vegetables.

            I usually buy starter plants from my friend Jody and various garden stores. After buying a few things from Jody, I was inspired by our friend Matt to try starting my own vegetables inside before transplanting them outside. Apparently the red bedroom has a great window for growing plants indoors because the plants shot up in two weeks.

            My starters included pole green beans, summer squash, jalapeño peppers, green peppers, and carrots.

              I’m Not Perfect

              After yesterday’s gardening post, you might think I have a bit of a green thumb. I am slowly learning to become a better gardener, but I still make mistakes.

              This past fall, Jesse and I tilled up half of our front yard and planted new grass (yes, the neighbors thought we were crazy). When it came up this spring, it looked amazing. Each year as soon as I see the first dandelions of the season, I am always out in the yard with my spray bottle trying to control the weeds. This year, I made a bit of a blunder.

              Apparently, I switched my Weed-B-Gon spray bottle with my Roundup spray bottle. Whoops! Now I’m just waiting for my EZ Seed coupon to come in the mail.


                Every year around this time I begin to dream about the things I want to plant and changes I want to make outside our home. Usually, I try to wait until school is out because of the morning watering that plants require…and we all know I am not a morning person. This spring we have been spending more weekends at home, so I decided to jump start this year’s projects.

                One tradition has been to participate in Pahl’s Moss Basket Days with the original second grade team. One Saturday in March we meet for an afternoon of planting and chatting. In May we pick-up full, beautiful baskets. I have done this for two years. I like this year’s basket better, but I still haven’t found the perfect combination of plants.

                One side of our home had a variety of plants that always died by mid-summer. They were on the full sun side of our house, and they were planted in rocks. I had the bright idea to take out the rocks, pull up the plants, and plant black raspberry bushes. My grandma always grew black raspberries next to her home, and I have a great cobbler recipe. Taking out the rocks and pulling up the plants turned into a three hour project, but in the end, I was pleased with the result (I think Jesse was just tired).

                Four new plants bought from eBay!

                Next up on the agenda: moving two of our raised vegetable gardens from the shady side of the house to the sunny side, planting the front containers, and planting this year’s crop of vegetables. I’ll keep you posted!

                  Young Love

                  A few weekends ago, Jesse and I had the privilege of driving to Chicago to meet Tim. Tim is Jesse’s Grandma Sutherland’s “special friend”. It was fun (and a little funny) to be considered the old, married couple around such young love.

                  The trip was also an excuse for the whole Sutherland family to get together. First, to meet Tim, and then to shower Katie (Jesse’s cousin) with gifts for her upcoming wedding in June.

                  We look forward to seeing more of the Sutherland family in July for Justin and Megan’s wedding (another of Jesse’s cousins).

                  Tim, Grandma, Cyndee and Larry



                    Lately, I have been visiting the grocery store on an almost daily basis. It is silly, but the closest Cub Foods is less than a mile away, so it is easy to stop by on my way home from work, on my way to work, or other times as well.

                    Spring is such a busy time. My brain is full with grading, entertaining, and house work. In the month of April we hosted my mom and brother, Bible study, our friends the Quams, our friends Jon and Heather, a birthday tea, our friends Carl, Kristi, and Tyler, and Jesse’s grandpa and grandma Jones. Every time a new event came up, I needed to go back to the grocery store!

                    Tonight Jesse and I took my second trip of the day together…on our bikes. We were able to return a mistake I made, pick up the things I forgot, and get some exercise as well. My new goal is to get a Burley Bike Trailer in order to be able to carry all of my groceries home. If I have to bike on all of my trips to the grocery store, maybe I will visit less often!


                      This is the time of year Jesse and I begin planning for the upcoming summer. Because of my job as a teacher, most of our traveling happens during the summer months as I have more flexibility.

                      We are already looking forward to a few adventures. We are hoping to do one weekend of backpacking. You can find information about our other backpacking trips here.

                      In July we already know we will be attending a wedding July 4th weekend, a wedding in Indiana with some additional time to visit both of our families, and a family reunion Up North.

                      We are debating a big trip to Europe to celebrate our five year anniversary but are awaiting news of a recent car repair.

                      Decisions, decisions, all I know is that I am already looking forward to summer. How do you go about planning trips and adventures?